Saturday, June 6, 2015

Time Flies

If there's only one thing we learn as we grow older, it's that time flies. One year ago, on June 3rd, 2014, I made the decision that food was not going to rule my life any longer. I sought out information on low carb, sugar-free, healthy eating plans and never looked back.
If someone had told me, one year ago today, that I would not only be going to the gym twice a day to workout, but actually looking forward to it, I would have laughed in their face. I'm beginning to understand now how some people actually become addicted to exercise and though I doubt I will ever achieve that, (and quite honestly, it's not one of my goals), I do love the rush I get when I finish my abs routine or step off of the treadmill.
This path has been the most difficult labor of love I have ever walked in my entire life. Were it not for my children, grandchildren, brothers and friends, I would not be writing this now. They (you) have lifted me up when I didn't have the willpower to move forward myself.
It's  been a momentous year, with many steps forward on my path and a few that went backwards, but without each and every one of those steps, I don't believe I would have the confidence to do all that I am able to do now.
I have several more goals to work on, and I'm excited about achieving each one. Only hard work and the will to move forward will get me there. Oh, and staying happy... that is something I simply have to do everyday..


  1. Replies
    1. Ruthie, you've been a tremendous support to me through all of this. Thank you so much. I love you cous! *hugs*

  2. You go girl--and would love to see some pics!

    1. Thanks so much, Chris! I'm not quite ready for the picture taking idea, but when I am, you sure will know it! *hugs*

  3. Julie you are doing wonderful, 2 times a day to exercise at gym and I can't even get my lazy behind there once let alone twice.. Maybe it will be a future goal for myself.

    1. Thanks Gailann. I am devoted to my cause and hope to always be. It's what fuels everything I do, so going to the gym once or twice a day is nothing to me compared to the hours of depression, sitting and doing nothing and general self-hatred that I have lost in the bargain. It's all a mind game. *hugs*
