Monday, May 30, 2011

Sounding off!

I'm a news junkie and I watch CNN much of the time.  I'm also an independent thinker regarding politics and many other topics.  My mother raised me... back in the day... that we should never discuss politics, race or religion.  I guess it was in bad taste in her era for a woman to do so. 

Things have changed, and I'm no longer willing to live exclusively by what my mother taught me.  I have a voice and an opinion and today I need to vent.  Subject:  Sarah Palin.  Ughhh - right? 

Will this woman ever get it that her 15 minutes of fame are over?  Now she's playing this little cat and mouse game, using this *One Nation* tour she's on, keeping people wondering what her real purpose in doing this is... dropping little innuendos here and there, but never saying much of substance - which, now that I think about it, isn't much beyond the norm for her. 

It just makes my blood boil at times because I would love to see a woman in the White House one day.. a woman who actually knows something about our great nation and the world beyond and can stand up there with the big boys without quaking in her shoes.  Please let that woman be someone of credibility and not just a person who can't go five minutes without needing to see her name in the press or her face on TV. 

How dare Sarah Palin criticize our President with regard to our great fighting forces.  Does she not know that diplomacy is part of the President's job?  And what would happen if she were to get into the White House and she comes to a bump in her road?  Will she leave the job for a book deal or reality TV show then too? 

Good Lord, I am so sick of seeing her mug all over the news.  Almost makes me want to turn the TV off..... almost. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stepping outside the box...

I have a story to tell - more so to help me feel better than for any other reason.  I wish I could be magnanimous in the hope that my words will be written for the greater good of all, but I'm pretty sure that someone, somewhere will take offense to something sooner or later.  I leave that to be their burden and not mine.

I should thank my daughter, Amanda, for inspiring me to get back to writing.  More than anything in this world, I would love to have a way for my kids and grandkids to know about so many things that I probably will never get around to telling them. 

In the days before computers and social networking, I kept a journal and also wrote hundreds of snail mail letters to family and friends.  My mom was the recipient of most of these letters, particularly in the last 10 years of her life.  It didn't matter to me if anyone wrote back, though I certainly did enjoy the letters I received.  It's a lost art now.. writing a letter in longhand, but having a computer that makes editing so much easier is how it's gone.

There was even a time when I envisioned writing the great American novel.  Lofty aspirations for a small town girl whose life didn't quite go the way she had imagined it would.  There definitely is an author in me, but strangely enough, I am drawn more to erotic writings these days and that's something I don't think my children would appreciate.  (chuckles just thinking about that)

Anyway, I am forging into the life of blogging and hope that as time goes on, it will be a source of information for my children especially in learning who their mom really is/was.  Afterall, I don't think anyone wants to leave this world believing they didn't make some small difference to those they feel closest to. 